2nd Workshop for Participatory Research Design

2nd Workshop for Participatory Research Design
February 15, 2016
Success Stories

Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) organized the 2nd Workshop for Participatory Research Design (WPRD) on December 12th 2015. The workshop took place in the New Lecture Theatre at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Morogoro. The event was organized in order to bring together farmers involved in organic farming, SUA instructors as experts in agriculture and student researchers from various degree programmes of SUA. The farmers came from different farmer groups in various villages where SAT projects are implemented. These farmers were given the opportunity to share the main challenges affecting organic farming. The goal of the workshop was to elaborate research themes based on farmers` needs to finally minimize and eliminate the causes of loss in production and therefore their income.

Please follow the link to find the report about the 2nd WRPD: 2nd WPRD - SAT Report

Furthermore you have the opportunity to relax and enjoy the trailer directly on the homepage or use the link to find it on YouTube: official Trailer[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7j8QDUqVgA[/embed]


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