
Join us on our mission to offset the CO2 emissions while giving back to Tanzanian farmers and communities.

So far, we have planted 28.000 trees. How many do you want to plant?

FairCarbon4Us offers you the chance to address a global challenge and, at the same time, help small-scale farmers around Morogoro and the Uluguru Mountains! With your contribution, farmers will plant trees, thus mitigating climate change. As the farmers will receive payments for doing so, their efforts will also increase their income. At the same time, these trees will help farmers protect their environment, increase productivity, and reduce soil erosion. In the end, FairCarbon4Us will not only result in a win-win- but in a win-win-win-situation.

Pure facts

People living in industrialized countries emit, on average, between 4 (Switzerland) and 17 (USA) metric tons of CO2 per person and year (data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.PC (2014)). The contributing factors can be divided into food, home, travel, and consumption. Typically, there are two great ways to reduce your carbon footprint (the sum of all your emissions): By exchanging your carbon-emitting activities for ones that don’t emit, like riding a motorcycle or, even better, a bike instead of using a car, you can mitigate your CO2 emissions. Or you reduce them by, for instance, turning off electronic devices when you don’t use them.But some things cannot be avoided. This is where we come in!

Our projects

  • Food forests: We support our farmers in planting and managing fruit trees for additional income and other species for feeding livestock, medicinal use, or firewood.
  • Spicy carbon: Spices yield high prices on markets. They are a valuable source of income.
  • Agroforestry and biochar: There are methods to produce biochar from branches of Gliricidia sepium trees without cutting the tree.

How does our concept work?

In contrast to many carbon offsetting programs, we strive for a high level of biodiversity. This approach requires research because there is little information available on the different combinations of trees we strive for, especially in the peculiar environment of the Uluguru Mountains and the lands at their feet: How fast do they grow? How wide do their trunks become? How much carbon do they sequester? To name just a few questions that we need to be able to answer. This necessity of research is why we do not yet offer “CO2-Bundles,” in which you pay for the sequestration of a certain amount of sequestered carbon. Instead, we are “selling” individual trees (of course, you can buy more than just one tree!). For a fee of USD 6,- per tree, we will instruct a farmer to plant that tree. Over time, we will gain more and more data to expand our offer gradually.

What happens with the money?

The USD 6,- per tree are split up into three parts:
  • USD 2,- go directly into the farmer’s pocket. 
  • USD 2,- are used for training courses. 
  • The remaining USD 2,- are used for monitoring and evaluating the project.
FairCarbon4Us guarantees that farmers plant indigenous trees which contribute to maintaining biodiversity, improving soil fertility, and providing fuel, timber, fodder, fruit and spices, medicine, and windbreaks, the ability to start beehives and grow cash crops. This is a unique approach that protects the biodiversity in Tanzania.

How can I buy trees?

In case you want to buy trees please pay to the NLO account, our partner organization in Austria. Write FairCarbon4US and your email address so that we can report to you about your trees in Africa.
Account Holder’s Name: Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft Ostafrika (NLO)
Bank Name: Sparkasse Feldkirch
IBAN: AT892060403100602261
Reference: FairCarbon4US [your email address]