1.0. Overview
Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) is seeking to hire a Trainer(s) to conduct Occupational Hazards and Risk Management in Agriculture training for tutors from 29 Agricultural Training Institutes. The trainer (s) is free to use any workable methodologies that will be used in the training. These Terms of Reference (ToR) serve as a request for proposals from individual consultants/firms interested in conducting this training.
SAT is a local organization that was registered in June 2011 and complying with the NGOs Act 2002 as amended in 2019 with registration number 00NGO/R/833. SAT’s vision is that “the majority of farmers are using acknowledged agroecological methods to improve their livelihoods, conserve the environment, and reduce pressure on natural resources”. SAT collaborates with other stakeholders including farmers, Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), universities, organizations, companies and government extension officers to be involved in activities that are carried out by SAT. This holistic approach establishes an Innovation Platform, where dissemination, research, application and marketing and networking build the main pillars. SAT headquarters are in Morogoro with branch offices in 4 regions and operates all over Tanzania. SAT runs its operations through a number of donor-funded projects and the CISTI project is one of them.
3.0. About CISTI project
SAT in collaboration with the Division of Training, Extension Services and Research (DTER) of the Ministry of Agriculture and with the support of Liechtenstein Development Services (LED) started implementing the CISTI project in 2019 with the major aim of supporting the production of competent technical personnel who work effectively to meet the demand of Tanzania’s agriculture sector, increasing climate resilience and strengthening livelihoods of smallholder farmers, thus alleviating poverty and food insecurity for sustainable development.
4.0. Objective of the assignment
The main objective of Occupational Hazards and Risk Management in Agriculture training is to equip 29 agricultural tutors with knowledge and skills on occupational hazards and risk management in agriculture. Training of tutors responsible to train students on occupational hazards and risk management in agriculture is an important step towards enabling effective delivery of the curriculum. After the training, the tutors are expected to work together to prepare a draft compendium/training manual on Occupational Hazards and Risk Management in Agriculture. The developed compendium will be used as a teaching and learning resource to both tutors and students.
5.0. Scope of Occupational Hazards and Risk Management in Agriculture Training
The facilitator may navigate in length, width and depth regarding the field of occupational hazards and risk management in agriculture, but they should focus on the following aspects below, as they are reflected in the curricula to be implemented in Agricultural Training Institutes (ATIs). Occupational hazards and risk management in agriculture will be offered to certificate and diploma students. The aim of offering this training to students is to enable them to apply occupational safety and hazard control in Agriculture
5.1 Summary of learning outcomes
Students who will be trained on occupational hazards and risk Management in agriculture are expected to be able to Apply occupational safety and hazard control in Agriculture.