Youth in Agriculture and Skills Development (YASD-MVOMERO) Project


The Youth in Agriculture and Skills Development (YASD-MVOMERO) project is a strategic initiative specifically targeting the rural and peri-urban areas of the Mvomero District. The project addresses the social and economic challenges faced by out-of-school youth, particularly young mothers and individuals with disabilities, by empowering them through practical education and skills development in organic agriculture and related enterprises.

Mvomero’s economy heavily relies on agriculture, with over 70% of the population engaged in this sector. However, environmental degradation, climate change, and limited opportunities have left many vulnerable groups, including the youth, struggling to achieve sustainable livelihoods. The YASD-Mvomero project aims to build the capacity of these young people, enabling them to engage in profitable agricultural practices and improve their economic prospects.

Project Objectives

The primary objective of the YASD-Mvomero project is to enable youth in Tanzania to become self-employed in agriculture, thereby achieving sustainable income and improved food security. The project also seeks to enhance the economic empowerment of young mothers by providing them with the necessary skills and resources to pursue self-employment opportunities.

Expected Outcomes

1. Capacity Building in Agriculture:

350 youth and young mothers will be enrolled and provided with essential life skills and technical training in agroecological crop and livestock production.

5 groups will be established in 5 villages, focusing on sustainable agricultural practices.

2. Development of Youth-Led Enterprises:

Establishment of 15 youth-led enterprises (YLEs) in horticulture, food processing, poultry, and other agricultural sectors.

Registration of 10 YLEs at the district level, providing a formal structure for accessing government loans and other resources.

3. Empowerment of Young Mothers:

Young mothers will receive targeted mentoring and coaching to enhance their self-employment prospects.

raining in alternative income-generating activities such as baobab value addition, Batik making, and honey processing.

4. Market Linkages and Employment:

Facilitation of market linkages between youth-led enterprises and private sector firms.

Development of 15 business plans to support sustainable employment creation.

Project Activities

·Training and Mentorship: The project provides comprehensive training on life skills, business development, and agroecological farming practices. This includes the establishment of Farmer Field Schools to promote organic farming techniques.

·Enterprise Development: Youth participants will be mentored in the creation and management of agricultural enterprises, with support for business registration and access to financial resources.

·Market Access: The project aims to facilitate connections between youth enterprises and potential markets, ensuring that their products reach the right buyers.

· Support for Young Mothers: The project gives special attention to young mothers, offering them additional support through targeted training and community engagement.

Target Groups

The project primarily targets out-of-school youth under the age of 30 in the Mvomero District. This includes both male and female participants, with a focus on achieving gender equality in all project activities. The project will directly benefit 350 youths and indirectly impact over 700 family members in the region.

Sustainability and Impact

The YASD project is designed to create long-term, sustainable impacts by equipping youth with the skills and resources needed to thrive in agriculture. The project’s focus on organic farming practices not only benefits the environment but also enhances the economic resilience of the participants. By fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and self-reliance, the project aims to reduce youth migration to urban areas and promote sustainable rural development.

The Youth in Agriculture and Skills Development (YASD-Mvomero) project is kindly supported by:


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