Sustainable Community Development (SUCODE)


The Sustainable Community Development (SUCODE) project, implemented by Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) in partnership with Nachhaltige LandwirtschaftOstafrika (NLO), is an initiative aimed at enhancing the resilience and livelihoods of rural communities around the Mkingu Nature Forest Reserve (MkNFR) in Morogoro, Tanzania. The project, which spans three years from August2023 to July 2026, focuses on empowering these communities through agroecological practices, climate change adaptation, and financial literacy. Drawing from the EU Gender Action Plan III (GAP III), the project emphasizes inclusivity, ensuring active participation of women, youth, and persons with disabilities in leadership roles and decision-making processes.

Needs for Change

The rural communities residing near Mkingu Nature Forest Reserve face numerous socio-economic challenges, including the impacts of climate change, soil degradation, lack of access to quality agricultural inputs, limited knowledge of sustainable farming practices, and inadequate financial services. These challenges have resulted in low agricultural yields, increased food insecurity, and limited economic opportunities. Moreover, the traditional farming methods and poor land management practices have worsened environmental degradation, putting additional strain on the natural resources. The SUCODE project was conceived to address these pressing issues by promoting agroecological practices, enhancing financial literacy, and fostering stronger community collaboration.

Outcomes of the Project

The primary outcomes of the SUCODE project are:

  • Outcome 1: Rural communities benefit from increased climate resilience by implementing self-developed strategies for adaptation and mitigation of climate change impact.
  • Outcome 2: Farmers around Mkingu Nature Forest Reserve increase climate resilience through practicing sustainable farming practices with positive impact on resilient production and on the environment.
  • Outcome 3: Alternative income generation, contract farming and saving and lending activities increase livelihood opportunities for the rural communities.
Project Approaches

SUCODE project employs a diverse approach to achieve its objectives:

  • Climate Change Adaptation: Through PACDR workshops, communities are equipped to assess climate risks and develop tailored adaptation action plans. These plans are endorsed by local governments to ensure collective action and sustainability.
  • Agroecological Training: Farmers receive hands-on training in organic agriculture, agroecology, and sustainable land management practices, including composting, intercropping, and tree nursery establishment. These practices are demonstrated in community farms to encourage widespread adoption.
  • Financial Literacy and Inclusion: The project establishes savings and lending groups, providing members with training in financial management and entrepreneurship. These groups serve as a platform for accessing loans and savings, which are reinvested into agricultural and small business ventures.
Key Achievements of the Project

During its initial year of implementation, the SUCODE project has made significant progress:

  • Climate Resilience: A total of 15 communities around Mkingu Nature Forest Reserve have developed and endorsed Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans (CCAAPs), benefiting 376community members, including 34% youth and 2% persons with disabilities.
  • Agroecological Practices: The project has trained 376 farmers in sustainable farming techniques, resulting in the establishment of 15 community nurseries and the production of over 13,000tree seedlings, contributing to on-farm biodiversity and environmental conservation.
  • Economic Empowerment: Eleven savings and lending groups have been formed, with 275 members receiving training in financial management. These groups have collectively saved EUR3,707 and disbursed loans totaling EUR 3,208 to 76 members, supporting various agricultural and entrepreneurial activities.

The Sustainable Community Development (SUCODE) project is kindly supported by



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