Elewa misingi ya kilimo hai
Kwa zaidi ya miaka saba ya uzoefu katika kilimo-hai, tuna mengi ya kufundisha. Kwa kutumia mbinu jumuishi inayochanganya uzalishaji wa mazao na ufugaji na misitu tunaweza kukusaidia kudhibiti shamba lako kwa ufanisi zaidi.
Utajifunza yafuatayo;
Malengo ya Kozi;
This comprehensive course includes classroom tuition, practical training in the plot, and a field visit to spice farmers in the Uluguru Mountains.
Kozi 2025
Please note that our training schedule is subject to change due to variable course attendance. To confirm the course dates contact us as indicated below.
Training Fee:
TZS 400,000 per participant, the fee includes training, materials, accommodation, meals at the training center, and transport to and from the training center (from Morogoro city).
SAT Facilitators
Farmer Training Centre in Vianzi (approx. 20km from Morogoro city)
Apply to:
Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), P.O.Box 6369, Morogoro,
+255 (0) 754 925560, +255 (0) 655 925560 info@kilimo.org
Application Forms:
Use the link(s) below to download the application form(s)
Jisajili sasa kwa kozi zetu za mafunzo na upate ujuzi muhimu katika kilimo endelevu! Tafadhali jaza fomu hapo chini na taarifa zako za mawasiliano, chagua kozi unayotaka kuhudhuria na tarehe unayopendelea. Chaguo la malipo linapatikana wakati wa usajili.