Tevane Group's Journey: Growing Together Through Agroecology

Witness the inspiring journey of the Tevane Group, a collective of determined farmers with disabilities from Mvomero DC

Tevane Group's Journey: Growing Together Through Agroecology
December 1, 2023
Story blog

In 2019, in the lush Mvomero District of Morogoro, something special began. Mbwana Rwambo, a field facilitator from Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), met Christina, a determined vegetable seller who used a small vehicle for mobility due to her disability. He saw potential in her and others like her. He knew that with the right knowledge and training in agroecology, they could transform their lives.

Thus, the Tevane Group was formed. It's a unique group of farmers, each living with different disabilities, but all sharing a common goal. They're not just farmers; they're a symbol of determination and hope. After coming together, the group attended a one-week training at the Farmer Training Centre (FTC). There, they dived into the world of organic farming, learning about organic fertilizers, compost making, and bio-pesticides.

Returning home, they put their new knowledge to the test. They started a demo plot together and implemented what they had learned. The results were astounding. Their production improved greatly, and even their neighbors noticed the change. The group primarily focuses on growing vegetables and seasonal crops like maize, which they sell to boost their income.

Despite their success, challenges remain. Access to capital is still a struggle, but they're not giving up. They're planning to start saving and lending groups to help each other financially. Due to their disabilities, they can't work full-time in the fields, but their dedication to agroecology and farming remains unwavering.

They're part of the Farmers and Pastoralist Collaboration (FPC) project, generously supported by the Biovision Foundation. This support has been a lifeline, helping them grow and succeed against the odds.

The Tevane Group's story isn't just about farming. It's about overcoming barriers, working together, and believing in the power of sustainable agriculture to change lives. Their journey is an inspiration, showing that with focus and dedication, anything is possible.


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