Stories from the Field – Twende Pamoja Group

Stories from the Field – Twende Pamoja Group
May 25, 2018
Success Stories

Twende Pamoja means ‘Let's Go Together’. In 2017, the group was established with 32 (25 female and 7 male) members. Since then the group has been working successfully in organic agriculture and other entrepreneurial projects. The group activities are done at Mayanga in Morogoro.Among their main activities are animal keeping (poultry and rabbit), faming (crops production) such as maize, vegetables, cassava, lemongrass, sweet pepper, moringa, pumpkins, sunflower and water melon. They also process moringa, pineapple, tomatoes, ginger, banana and cassava.We carry out our group purpose “Our goals are to make sure that each member owns a good and standard house (good life standard), to provide quality education to their children, to own transport equipment and be successful in an entrepreneurship activity,” says Mercy Meena, the group chair.

___________Twende Pamoja group members in their sunflower farm________After being well trained by SAT on agroecology, the group members are now practicing organically, saying that it is cheap compared to conventional products. The reason why organic agriculture is cheap is because uses very available resources. Furthermore, it conserves the environment for future generations. There are a lot of health benefits in organic agriculture products, considering that chemicals are not used in the production.Organic skills have been helping them to increase the production yield and save the cost (production cost) since they use the organic fertilizer like composite manure and rabbit urine as well as poultry manure. Also, they have a saving and lending project, through it they solve daily financially problems. Technical skills provided by SAT help the group to know the importance of a solar drier and construct it. They now drying vegetable, fruits and earn money.

_____________Peace corps volunteers listens to Twende Pamoja Group Chair, Mecy Meena, who explained to them on how they successfully own pots garden, solar drier, rabbit and poultry.__________From the knowledge and skills, they acquired from SAT and from Nanenane exhibition last year under the sponsorship of SAT, they then came up with rabbit keeping. They bought two rabbits at Nanenane exhibition and started a project with only those two.Now they have more than 120, which help them in agriculture production, since they provide both bio-pesticide (urine) and bio-fertilizer.They are also earning from poultry keeping by selling eggs. The group also dries the vegetable and crops and sell them to SAT and other customers.


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