Celebrating over a decade of empowerment: The 10th Agroecological Forum 2023

Celebrating over a decade of empowerment: The 10th Agroecological Forum 2023
January 10, 2024

Celebrating Success and Innovation at the Agroecology Forum

We have had a remarkable journey spanning over a decade, during which we have taught over 75,000 farmers across various regions in Tanzania about agroecology and organic farming. The recent Agroecology Forum, hosted by Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), was more than just an event. It was a vibrant gathering of minds, a celebration of sustainable practices, and a testament to the power of collective effort in transforming agriculture. Through SAT's training and the Mkulima Mbunifu Magazine, we have reached over 75,000 farmers from different parts of Tanzania, marking a significant milestone in our journey towards sustainable farming.

Farmers and pastoralist communities arriving at the event

The Agroecology Forum is an exciting yearly event that acts as a hub of ideas, experiences, and innovations in agroecology. It's a place where farmers, experts, and enthusiasts come together to share their insights and experiences on agroecological practices, creating a community of learning and growth. Moreover, the forum features an exhibition that showcases a wide range of organic products and local seeds, celebrating the rich biodiversity and ingenuity of local farming practices. The highlight of the event is the highly anticipated Farmers Annual Group Awards, which recognizes and honors the most exceptional farmer groups in various categories for their outstanding contributions in 2022. This event acknowledges their hard work and achievements, inspiring other groups to strive for excellence in sustainable and ecological farming practices.

Our programs have a strong focus on capacity-building, which is one of their highlights. Our goal is to equip farmers with skills in leadership, marketing, saving, and lending. We have a special emphasis on empowering women, particularly those from pastoralist communities, to help them generate sustainable incomes and become leaders in their communities. We offer comprehensive training programs to the farmers in the field at our Farmer Training Centre (FTC) located in Vienzi, Mvomero. Our approach is holistic, covering everything from teaching organic farming to demonstrating how to maintain soil fertility and moisture. We place a great deal of importance on using chemical-free organic pesticides and other local technologies to safeguard the environment.

The Forum: A Celebration of Organic Excellence

The 10th Agroecology Forum was a remarkable event that not only brought people together but also showcased the excellence of organic farming. The exhibition of organic products and local seeds displayed the rich diversity and potential of sustainable agriculture. Additionally, the annual farmer group awards recognized the outstanding contributions of various groups in different categories for the year 2022, highlighting the success stories within our communities.

Local seeds exhibition
"We are filled with hope and determination as we reflect on our achievements and the lessons we have learned. The Agroecology Forum serves as a reminder of the power of unity and the potential of sustainable practices to shape a better future. Together, we will continue on the path of sustainable agriculture, nurturing our lands, and building resilient communities."

Join us in celebrating the power of sustainable agriculture by reading about this incredible story in the link below!


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